Super Bowl XLVIII Media Day Wild Round-Up


NEWARK, N.J. — Super Bowl media day was once a way for the world to see its participants, usually unseen with their helmets, and get to know the man beyond the field. But in 2014 it’s a bizarre spectacle where everyone is looking to be seen by the world, not just the players.

Media day is a rave, only with far less coordinated people shimmying around cameras, boom mics and cable wires. It’s the lovechild of “Jersey Shore”, “Honey Boo Boo” and “Duck Dynasty” — where reporters, actors and average joes are on the same stage as the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks, if only for a day.

The Prudential Center, the site of Tuesday’s Super Bowl XLVIII media day took place, looked what I would imagine Twitter to look like it if was an actual place. While the masses flooded the player stages asking things like, Just how many cavities does Marshawn Lynch have? (no one knows) or What musician best represents the Seahawks? (it’s a toss-up between Rick Ross and Drake according to linebacker K.J. Wright), Pro Player Insiders turned the recorder back on the curiously dressed reporters to get the scoop on their fresh digs.

Danish television reporter Tommy Kjaersgaard was an easy find in the sea of people thanks to his Where’s Waldo costume.

“I’ve been here the last five years and I’ve always done the journalist way,” the 30-year-old said. “This year I thought, ‘I’ve seen all the goofy characters that are normally here, let me try and see what happens’”.

Simply asking “Can you find Waldo?” Wald—eerr Kjaersgaard perplexed and humored the Broncos players.

“Champ Bailey couldn’t find me at all. Jacob Tamme thought it was pretty funny. He found me.”

Many thought they had spotted one of the nation’s founding fathers, George Washington, or a svelte Benjamin Franklin even. But it was neither. It was renowned Austrian composer Mozart … except it wasn’t him either. Phillip Hajszan is an Austrian reporter who has attended the past four Super Bowl media days dressing up as characters that best represent his home country. Last year he perused around Mercedes-Benz SuperDome in New Orleans, LA as a lederhosen. Perhaps next year he could be Austrian’s Arnold Schwarzenegger and come as The Terminator.

“We’re just having fun soaking in what it is to be at media day here. We wanted to bring a little Europe to the madness today,” Hajszan said.

Nickelodeon’s superhero reporter, PickBoy dressed in a similar costume to Batman’s sidekick Robin, was there to ensure the madness was contained … only to have his opportunity to yell at Seahawks boisterous cornerback Richard Sherman about who was louder, him or Sherman.

Sherman, who may be quicker in wit than running down All-Pro receivers, quietly pointed back at PickBoy without saying a word before each breaking out in uproarious laughter.

But perhaps the biggest star of the day was not Peyton Manning, Sherman or either team’s head coach. It was internet sensation Lil’ TerRio who had an entourage that included Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson and an NFL Network employee that made sure the 6-year-old stayed hydrated with his choice of Berry or Glacier Frost Gatorade (he chose the berry).

Lil TerRio even taught the older guys a thing or two about how to charm the ladies, as the Philadelphia Eagles cheerleaders couldn’t get enough of the Vine star or his dance moves.Oooohh kill ‘em!

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