Rodgers More Popular Than Santa Clause but not Jesus or Lincoln

Results from a recent poll of Wisconsin voters found that Aaron Rogers is one of the most popular person it had ever seen in all its polling.

It discovered that 89% of the respondents had a favorable view of Rodgers and only 4% had an unfavorable view of him. Only Abraham Lincoln, with a 93% favorable vote, and Jesus Christ with 90%, surpassed Rodgers’ 89% favorable.

Rodgers’ is more popular than George Washington, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and even Santa Claus.

The poll was of 800 Wisconsin voters from Nov. 10-13, with the margin of error plus or minus 3.5%.  Here’s some more of the results.

Figure % Favorable % Unfavorable %Not sure
Yourself 93 1 5
Abraham Lincoln 91 3 6
Jesus Christ 90 3 7
George Washington 86 3 11
Mother Teresa 83 5 12
Martin Luther King 74 10 17
Santa Claus 67 13 20
Mahatma Gandhi 64 9 27
Nelson Mandela 64 10 26
Steve Jobs 62 20 28


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