Kirk Cousins is More Than Capable of Allowing RGIII to Rest

It was the 4th Quarter with 1:56 remaining – 2nd and 19 on Washington’s 27 yard line when the entire Washington Redskins’ fan base went into cardiac arrest. QB Robert Griffin III courageously scrambled for 13 yards after the Baltimore Ravens sacked him on the play prior for a loss of 9 yards. While it was a great run, Griffin was blasted as he attempted to protect his upper body by diving forward. Wow, was he blasted. All 340 pounds of Batlimore’s nose tackle Haloti Ngata collided with Griffin’s right knee.

A lot will be said about Robert protecting his body, but after that sack – Washington had their backs against a wall in a 2nd and 19 situation. The Redskins were down 28-20 and their season was seemingly on the line at that point. Robert Griffin III’s scramble set Washington up for a more manageable 3rd and 6.

The injury looked horrific. It looked so bad that fans began to not even worry about the game. “I knew as soon as I got hit, as I screamed – like a man, of course – I knew it hurt really bad,” Griffin said. “It didn’t feel like an ACL or anything like that — I told them, ‘Just get me to the sideline, and I’m coming back in the next play.”

It only took 1 play for Washington’s franchise QB to rest and then triumphantly limp back onto the field – leading the Redskins 37 yards down the field in 4 plays. This before making likely the smartest decision of his young NFL career. Griffin was dragged off the field, as he requested - acknowledging the fact he was too injured to play – putting the game in rookie QB Kirk Cousins’ hands. A decision that paid off big time.

“I still felt like I still could go out and help the team win,” Griffin said after the game. “And then after I threw the pass to Pierre [Garcon], and we completed it, then immediately, after I planted, I knew I couldn’t help the team win anymore. Even though I did complete that pass, I felt a certain way, and after that throw, as  you all saw, I kind of limped down the field to get down there. I had to get out. I’ll still be able to run and do those things if it’s just a really bad bruise, and then if it is anything else, like I told Coach, I’ll fight through it, and I’ll be playing next week.”

Kirk Cousins was calm, cool and collected. He went 2 for 2, 26 yards and a touchdown to Pierre Garcon – giving the Redskins a chance to line up for a 2-point conversion – sending the game into overtime. Offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan then displayed his brilliance by spreading the field giving Kirk Cousins an option to throw or run the draw. Washington received the coverage they hoped for and the lane parted like the red sea giving Cousins an easy run to tie the game at 28-28. No one expected that play call. “You’ve got some options on the play,” coach Mike Shanahan said after the game. “You really don’t know what defense you’re going to be in, but we didn’t think they’d be expecting it either. We got the right defense and Kirk did a great job getting in the end zone.”

The Washington Redskins went on to defeat the Baltimore Ravens 31-28 after a long 64 yard punt return by rookie DB Richard Crawford, who replaced the healthy scratch – Brandon Banks. It was a return that could be the end of Banks as a Washington Redskin. “Richard Crawford – we gave him an opportunity,” Shanahan said. “We thought he did a great job in preseason by catching the ball and getting the ball upfield. We saw that in the Buffalo game and we thought it was in our best interest of our team to give him an opportunity, as well as [tight end] Niles Paul. Obviously, Richard really took advantage of the opportunity today.”

But the story of the game – win or loss would have been centered around the health of Robert Griffin III. Fortunately, it was an easier pill to gulp with the Redskins winning. Here’s what we know – the Redskins announced that Griffin’s MRI came back negative – everything is clear and they’re calling it a right knee sprain. What this means for his return is another story. Of course, it’s all dependent on Robert’s ability to recover. Much like the iron-man London Fletcher, I’m pretty sure Griffin will do everything in his power to suit up against the Cleveland Browns in Washington’s week 15 match-up. But if Griffin is unable to go – Kirk Cousins is more than capable of allowing him to rest.

I’ve got a lot of confidence in Kirk and I got a lot of confidence in [quarterback] Rex [Grossman],” Shanahan said. “For me to put Kirk in that situation at the second-team quarterback so early in his career kind of gives you an idea what I think of Kirk. It’s been great, too, with Robert and Kirk. From day one, learning the system together and going out there and working every day, you get a chance for a couple quarterbacks to start from scratch and learn the system. They pushed each other and they support each other. It’s kind of nice to get two rookies in that type of environment.”

The Browns are riding high with 3 consecutive victories. Those wins coming against the Roethlisberger-less Pittsburgh Steelers, the floor-mat known as the Oakland Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs. Washington can’t overlook this game – Cleveland has played some good football in a losing fashion often this season. However, this is a game Washington should win if they rely on their outstanding “other rookie” Alfred Morris and a prudent Kirk Cousins. It’s a game they can win without Robert Griffin III. If they’re able to do that – it will give Griffin enough time to get healthy and presumably lead the Redskins on a charge towards the playoffs. Especially with two final division games against the Eagles and Cowboys, who Robert completely dominated a month ago.

Kirk Cousins has sneaky athleticism and a underrated arm. His anticipation on throws is great and he has remarkable football smarts. He’s a guy Washington can rely on, if needed. Not to mention, he’ll force the art of ignorance on defenses because they have no idea what to expect.

“Kirk’s a great quarterback,” receiver Pierre Garcon said of the rookie QB.  “He’s preparing very well. We have a lot of confidence in him. He has a strong arm. He throws it well. He knows the playbook very well and he studies the defense as well with the coaches and the quarterbacks. He has a lot [going] for him. It’s no real drop-off from RGIII and Kirk. Kirk just can’t run as fast as him but he can read defenses, sit in the pocket and throw it.”

If the Redskins have a chance to make the playoffs – which they do – a healthy Robert Griffin III will be needed. Let the man rest, if has to. Capt. Kirk is more than capable of managing a football game.

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