Game Notes: Washington Redskins vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers

The Washington Redskins ended their preseason campaign Thursday against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, defeating the team 30-12. Washington has gone undefeated this preseason and it’s really all attributed to the great depth this football team has. The second and third team players haven’t missed a beat. It’s something the team hasn’t had in a very long time.

First Half Game Notes:

  • Leonard Hankerson dropped an easy pass on the first play. He still hasn’t proved to be consistent.

  • Josh Leribeus did a great job taking care of two defenders on Evan Royster’s TD.

  • Lance Lewis showed great effort and hustle on kickoff return that almost was almost a touchdown. Although a holding call would have negated it anyway.

  • Dez Briscoe made a nice catch and cutback move for an early 66 yard reception. Should have been a touchdown, but I guess he ran out of gas…

  • Bacarri Rambo made two excellent open field tackles in the First Q.

  • Josh Wilson, a starter, beat by a third stringer… Things like that shouldn’t happen. Also noticed he was in slot a lot more than usual, but we’ll talk about that more under David Amerson’s bullet.

  • Evan Royster ran with purpose. He cut well and showed some burst. Looked very sharp early in the first Q.

  • Chris Thompson has some major burst. Even more so than Roy Helu Jr. He runs with patience, but explodes through the hole. His touchdown on the punt return was outstanding. It was DeSean Jackson “Maricle in the Meadowlands esque…” Thompson waited to set up the defender (which he seems to do often on punt returns) and just exploded down the field. He possesses a second to third gear that only Pierre Garcon has. Thompson also picked up a free blitzer in pass protection, which is HUGE for a RB like him. He’s a keeper.

  • Tom Compton struggled against the inside/outside speed rush.

  • Pat White didn’t seize the moment in the first Q. He overthrew several balls and had a horrible interception. White starred down Nick Williams on an in route and didn’t notice the linebacker sitting in zone who eventually dropped in coverage and intercepted his pass.

  •  WR Nick Williams is an interesting guy. Somewhat reminds me of a Danny Amendola or Wes Welker, before anyone knew their name. Redskins may want to stash him on their practice squad. They will need a slot receiver within the next year or two.

  • David Amerson intercepted his former NC State teammate Mike Glennon. It was a horrible throw. But Amerson displayed nice hands and YAC, if you will, after the interception. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amerson starts early in the season. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to see him start week one. Redskins have started using Wilson more over the slot in nickel. I believe that’s a better spot for him.

  • Jarvis Jenkins blew up the Buccaneers Right Tackle and ran him into QB Mike Glennon forcing a fumble. Jenkins has created some nice push in preseason… He’s suspended for the first month of football, so he needed to leave a lasting impression.

  • I like EJ Biggers tenacity. He’s not afraid to stick his nose in the run game. He is also physical in coverage. Adds some great depth at the CB position.

  • Chase Minnifield made an epic tackle, after breaking off his back pedal. Much like Biggers, he is physical and adds some great depth.

  • Didn’t see Brandon Meriweather give much of an impact. But he ran sideline to sideline nicely. Didn’t get injured, which is the most important thing.

  • Nick Barnett did a decent job in coverage and played the run well.

  • Phillip Merling seems to finally be in a scheme that suits his playing style. Really like what I’ve seen from him.

  • Rob Jackson looked like he’s in midseason form. The LB will be suspended for the first four games, so making an impression that will last is important. He did that on a nice sack — pushing the left tackle back and jumping over him to take down the QB.

  • Bryan Kehl made some outstanding reads. He was very active early in the run and pass game.

  • The interior offensive line group did well in the run game. Although, I’m not sure if that reflects more good on their part or bad on the Buccaneers defensive front.

Second Half Game Notes:

  • S Jose Gumbs may be one of the hardest hitters I’ve seen this preseason. Delivered a nice blow on a receiver who crossed the middle of the field. He’s also looked good on special teams.

  • Will Compton — I really like the guy. He’s raw in coverage but has made progress every game this preseason. He has a little savage mentality in him. Makes plays on special teams as well.

  • Jawan Jamison is another one of those RBs who has shown nice patience and cutting ability. Also has a nice burst through the hole. He showed soft hands receiving out the backfield. May be a guy the Redskins try to stash on practice squad.

  • Josh Leribeus looked so good, I have to mention him twice. Consistently took on two defenders and opened up holes in the run game.

  • Niles Paul did a great job blocking — a very underrated part of his game on offense. Needs to be noted because he can fill in at numerous spots.

  • Really like Nick Williams. He continued displaying great quickness and ability in the second half returning a punt for 29 yards. His initial spin move on that return was epic. I understand this may be stereotyping, but he really does remind me of a young Amendola/Welker.
  • Kai Forbath = Automatic
  • Chase Minnifield made a mistake after getting beat on a route — he didn’t turn his head for the ball and was called for pass interference.
  • LB Marvin Burdette looked good in the run game. Showed great hustle to the ball.
  • TE Jordan Reed continues to show that he’s a natural ball catcher. The team hasn’t even scratched the surface on the ways they’ll use him.

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