From Buffalo to Baltimore, and Now Jacksonville: Being an NFL Mother Stays the Same

Pro Player Insiders caught up with NFL Wife, Miranda Evans.  Mrs. Evans, is the mother of Lee J. III Evans and wife of Lee Evans who recently signed with the Jacksonville Jaguars (formerly of Baltimore Ravens & Buffalo Bills). Miranda shares her insider views on motherhood. She also reflects on her own mom and the influences of mother-in-law on Mother’s Day.
The Evans Family: Miranda, Lee, & Lee J. III

PPI:  What does being a mother mean to you?

Miranda Evans:   Having the opportunity to be a mother is one of the greatest blessings.  It has taught me and changed me in ways that I never knew existed.  Being a mother to me is living, giving, and loving to your fullest potential to help raise someone so that they can be all that you know and more.


PPI: What are names & ages of your children? Tell us one word to describe each of them.

Miranda: Lee J. III is 4 years old and it’s so refreshing to see the innocence in him.  Whether he’s happy, excited, or sleepy; they are all in the purest form.


PPI: What has been one of your fondest memories that made you realize the amazing gift of motherhood?

Miranda: The first  memory I have was lying in the hospital realizing that I just gave birth and I was still alive.  Now each night before bed I give my son a good night hug and I check on him when he is asleep.  Simply looking at him while he is asleep melts my heart each night and makes me thank God for the opportunity to be a mother.


PPI:  How has your own mother influenced your life and how you raise your children?

Miranda Evan's Mother and Lee J.

Miranda:I was primarily raised by a single mother.  I have so much support from my husband and it amazes me that women actually do it alone.  She was such a strong and hard working person. Anytime I even begin to think life is a burden it makes me catch myself and count my blessings.  She has taught me it’s never the end of the world and anything can be overcome.  I’m always teaching my son that problems are never as big as they seem. I help Lee J. think of other solutions once one way doesn’t seem to be working out.


PPI: What will you be doing with your husband and family on Mother’s Day? Does your family have any traditional ways they celebrate Mother’s Day?

Miranda: My family will go to church and then to brunch afterwards.  We will stay pretty low key and we always have. We tend to just like to spend time together as a family around the house.


PPI: Even though your husband plays a masculine sport, how do you think his mother has influenced his success?

Miranda: My mother-in-law is a no nonsense, “tough-it-up” kind of woman.  She has taught him to love whatever it is he does. She taught Lee to put his all into something once he decides to do it. I definitely think in order to play a physical sport you need the heart of a Jaguar!  My mother-in-law has always been one of my husband’s biggest supporters.

This motivated mother still maintains her woman’s clothing boutique, MS Eye Candy, in Buffalo where Lee was one of the leading wide receivers for his first six seasons. Even though Lee has been picked up by the Jaguars, Mrs. Evans and her co owner Siobhan Taylor will keep providing great styles and fashion to Western New York mothers for years to come.  From Buffalo to Baltimore, and now to Jacksonville; Miranda  knows being the best mom she can be will always be consistent.

Interview by Theresa Villano

Miranda’s store, MS Eye Candy, is located on 292 W Utica St. in Buffalo, NY. MS Eye Candy just recieved their new Spring arrivals that will brighten up any Mom’s wardrobe.  Stop in or visit them at


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