Broadway Isn’t Big Enough

It appears that everyone but the New York Jets realize it.   The City That Never Sleeps, the Big Apple, the Center of the Universe – it’s got the broadest of shoulders – but even Gotham’s broad shoulders can’t bear the storm brewing.

In a week when the Denver Broncos made arguably the biggest free trade signing ever, what was the story that captured the nation’s attention?  It certain wasn’t Peyton Manning, the Broncos new (but old) quarterback.  Nope.  It was the guy getting booted out of the Rocky Mountains – Tim Tebow and his new team, the Jets.  More specifically, the story is how (and even if) Tim Terrific can coexist with the recently (purportedly) re-anointed Prince of Broadway, Mark Sanchez, after the Jets gave him a three-year $40.5 million contract extension only a few weeks ago.  Seems most people thing they can’t coexist.

Think Mothra versus Godzilla but not in Tokyo… and with helmets and pads (and no bounties hopefully).

The face of the Jets franchise has already ripped the trade.  During a Wednesday ESPN radio show, Joe Willie Namath didn’t even attempt to hide his true feelings.  “I do not agree with this situation,” Namath said. “I can’t agree with it. I just think it’s a publicity stunt. I really think it’s wrong. I can’t go for it. I don’t think they know what they’re doing over there right now,” Namath continued.

“They give Sanchez a new contract, they pat him on the back and then they bring in two more quarterbacks. “  He went on to comment, “I think Sanchez should be angry about what’s taken place.”

Mark Schlereth, also not one to mince words, has not been kind either.  “I think for the Jets, this is a disaster.  You already have a quarterback in New York that’s fragile, that’s mentally beat up, that didn’t play well last season. What happens Week 1 when Mark Sanchez throws two picks? You can’t stop the fans from chanting, ‘Tebow! Tebow!’ You can’t stop the pressure as to what’s going to happen to you as a franchise. You can act like you’re not listening. You can think you’re plugging your ears, but it is deafening.”

The Jets have said this won’t happen.  The starting job is Sanchez’s and they will continue to allow him to develop and make mistakes…right…anyone heard from Kyle Orton lately?

There is no doubt this trade will sell jerseys and put people in the seats.  Lin-sanity will look like child’s play once Tebow and his cult-following arrive in town.

New York has always prided itself on putting the spotlight on its stars – and Tebow’s star is bright right now, though the City and the team should be the focus.  And after a tumultuous season full of locker room discord and dysfunction, one has to wonder if Coach Ryan and general manager Mike Tannenbaum are playing for headlines or wins.

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